Friday, January 1, 2010

Squeaky Chicken--Day 6

Still in good shape!!!

Pseudo Chicken

It is always interesting to combine two individual's Christmas traditions. We celebrated Christmas with Kevin's family this year, and I was anxious to see how our holidays compared. Surprisingly, Kevin's parents' Christmas was not all that different from my own family's. We opened presents on Christmas morning. Everyone got stockings, including the "big kids" (us), and we had brunch. My family usually includes mimosas, but there were drinks later on in the day here in WI! Kevin's mom even got the dogs presents, which would have been the case for my mom had we been together. One gift we all had a good laugh about--a toy chicken for Baxter. Stay tuned...the squeaky chicken toy is still in tact, but probably won't be for long!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree...

Yep, it's our first Christmas tree! We picked out a gorgeous Fraser Fir, thanks to the help of the entire Krings family! It's about 10 feet tall. Man, it's good to know an Arborist. He really knows his trees!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mom gives GOOD gifts!!!

My mom, taking care of her daughter from sunny California, sent me a heated vest for my birthday, as well as heated glove liners. SWEEEEET! Yep, I just might survive here in the arctic!!!

My Birthday

My birthday, just two days after New Orleans, left me "under the weather." I had to burn one of my PTO days...NOPE, not on fun birthday stuff, on coughing, sleeping, taking Tylenol, and staying near to the powder room. WORST birthday EVER! However, my wonderful hubby did make it better by sending the most beautiful roses to work (of course, I was absent but received them the following day) and coming home for a few hours from hunting to take care of me. He wins the hubby award! I am finally feeling better, but not 100%. Just in time to work for Thanksgiving. :)
This picture is blurry, but note the new "Katrina Cottage" next to the sidewalk where the house USED to be. Do you see it? There is nothing left....but they planted that tree where it used to be.

St Roch Campo Santo